Friday, October 15, 2010

Why is There Hell If God Really Loves Us?

By Funom Makama

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son and whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting Life. Mankind was doomed for death due to its sinful nature and God hates Sin but loves Man and wants Humans to have a close relationship with Him as well as live eternally. If really He so loves us, then why the other alternative which is Hell? Does this mean we would be condemned if we do not love Him back? He said he loves us despite our wickedness and unfaithfulness, so why Hell?

Let's consider this scenario. You are the owner of a well known, world class, highly reputable, internationally recognized and well established high school. You set the rules of this great institution of yours which includes expulsion if a student is caught engaging in examination malpractice. Also, your son who is highly respected, calm, gentle, smart, very brilliant, intelligent, handsome, respectful, loving, almost perfect for a human, loved by all and a perfect example for the other students; is in his 6th grade in the same school.

During an examination, a very notorious boy, known for his cruel character and in fact, a direct opposite of your son was caught cheating during examination. Instead of expelling him, you decided to expel your won son who had done nothing wrong and totally blameless. You do not only do that, you automatically promoted the notorious boy to the next grade and gave him an "A" in the subject he was caught cheating (because you know your son would have earned that grade if he wrote the paper). A new session begins but this notorious boy had not changed, you tired talking to him, treating him like your own son but rather he showed you stubbornness and gross disobedience. It did not end there, he cheated once more and you forgave him with the condition that if he should cheat again, he will pay the price. But this boy seems not to appreciate the undeserved grace you gave him. He continues his usual ways (which you regard with great contempt and finally he was caught once again engaging in exam malpractice. My dear friends, if you are to be the one, what would you do?

Can you see it now?! This is exactly the human picture of what God has done for us. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. We were already doomed for hell. Remember that hell was never meant for us. God did not create it for us because He is not wicked to do that. Hell was meant to be for Lucifer who rebelled against God. But Lucifer in turn does not want to be alone and hence, roaming like a roaring Lion seeking for whom to follow him to this eternal condemnation. God has already given us the ultimate chance to be with Him and choose Life. And even after this, His grace continues to abound greatly, for us to change our ways. If after such priceless gift and grace, we still prove stubborn and after a long period of rebellious Life style unpleasing to Him (God); doesn't He have the right to punish us when we finally meet Him after death? He is our creator and He is in absolute liberty to do what He wants to do with us. And even in this Liberty, He has always been showing us great Love. If you buy a car but it has been very disappointing from day one. You tried to fix a problem and a new one surfaces, and this continues for years, what would you do? Mind you! This is something you did not even create and I bet you that some persons will even burn the car in annoyance. So also, if a pot refuses to be useful to the potter, what do you think the potter would do, especially if there are many pots which are the contrary?

If God is showing us immeasurable kindness and giving us abundant grace (despite our unfaithfulness) even after sending His son for our salvation and we refuse to take the opportunity, then we have no choice than to face His wrath. We decided our own faith and should not question His standards. Irrespective of what we believe, His standards still remain the same. Think about it. His love is abundant for everyone, so free and easily accessible anytime, any day. Why not take a step to enjoy its fullness?

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