Saturday, October 16, 2010

To the Christian Youths - Where Can You Find the Best Advice?

By Funom Makama

For the girls

You can't help but think about the gorgeous new boy in class. 'He doesn't even know I exist, you tell yourself, 'So, what harm is there in daydreaming?' Besides, its not just you. This boy is every girls' dream, You know that because you hear the other girls talking about him all the time.

Suddenly he's looking in your direction. He catches you off guard with his disarming smile. You smile back. He approaches. "Hi", he says shyly.

"Hey," you say back.

"I'm Bobby".

"You're new here," you blurt out.

"My family just moved in a few weeks ago."

You still can't believe that Bobby is actually talking to you!

"Look," Bobby continues, "I'm having a party at my house after school today. Want to come?"

Then he leans forward and winks.

"Let me warn you,"he says. "My parents aren't home, and the liquor cabinet isn't locked. What do you say?"

Bobby is waiting for your reply. Any other girl in your school would say yes immediately!

What would you say?

for the boys

Two of your schoolmates are approaching. You feel a knot in your stomach because twice already this week they've tried to get you to smoke. This will be their third attempt.

The first boy speaks: "All alone again? Let me introduce you to a friend". He underscores the word "friend" with a wink as he takes something out of his pocket and extends his hand towards you.

You see something between the boy's thumb and forefinger that resembles a cigarette. You know exactly what it is. and the knot in your stomach gets even tighter.

"Sorry", you say. "I've already told you I don't......."

The second boy interrupts: "It's that religion of yours, isn't it? You can't have any fun!"

"Or are you just chicken?" the first boy taunts.

"No. I'm not chicken?" you summon the courage to say.

Then the second boy places his arm around your shoulder. "Just take it," he says softly.

The first boy moves the white object closer to your face and adds in a hushed voice: "We won't tell anyone. No one will ever know".

What will you do?

Similar scenes are played out ever day in virtually every part of the globe. The fact is, though, that some young people are better prepared than others to handle such situations. In the pressure of the moment, a boy being tempted to smoke might think: "I don't want to give on, but I can't take any more pressure. Why can't I show my schoolmates that I can be "normal"?" Or a girl who's asked out on a date might say to herself: 'He's clean-cut, for once-just this once-why can't I say yes?"

On the other hand, many youths have been trained to stand up confidently for what they believe. As a result-strange as it may seem-they feel less pressure to do wrong. Would you like to be that kind of youth? The good news is that you can be! How?

The Bible can help you face the challenges of youth with confidence. It contains the best advice to be found because it's the inspired word of God. (2 Timothy 3:16,17) What types of issues can the Bible help you with? Definitely all kinds of issues and situations. The Bible is not against dating nor relationships, but you are expected to be smart in your decisions and actions. The Bible urges you: "Acquire wisdom, acquire understanding." (Proverbs 4:5)The words "wisdom" and "understanding" imply more than simply knowing right from wrong. You need to see the big picture. For example, knowing the consequences of a wrong course as well as the rewards for doing what is right will help you to face up to peer pressure with confidence and courage. Be assured of this: Your problems-overwhelming as they may seem-are not unique. Others have faced and successfully dealt with challenges like yours.

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